- Neighborhood Clean-up or trash drives for the neighborhood.
- Funding for additional demolition of dilapidated structures or lot abatement
- Printing and postage for flyers/newsletters during the groups designation in the program.
- Neighborhood Watch groups within the designation can apply for a mini-grant to purchase supplies such as caps, t-shirts, signage, and assistance with projects which promote crime prevention in the neighborhood.
- Organization of Environmental Enforcement officer sweeps to correct violations such as trash and debris, overgrowth, inoperable vehicles, and dilapidated structures.
Assist to provide guest speakers for their neighborhood meetings to address crime prevention, how to report a crime, home security measures, and education on county processes.
An additional benefit of the program is that each Safe Neighborhood has a unified voice through their action plan and leadership board. This unified “voice” helps Escambia County staff and elected officials know the needs and priorities of each neighborhood when planning for future county projects and fund expenditures.