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Workforce Development


Welcome to the Escambia County Workforce Development Program! 

The Escambia County Workforce Development Program is comprised of two programs aimed at helping local youth succeed in the workforce: The Block-By-Block Program and the Summer Youth Employment Program. These  programs are designed to prepare students ages 16-24 in developing life and occupation skills training to facilitate the development of work habits that are essential for success in the workplace. 


The Block-By-Block Program is a 6-8-week certification program in construction skills instructed by Pensacola State College. 

Summer Youth Employment Program

The Summer Youth Employment Program works with private and nonprofit businesses, in addition to Escambia County departments, to offer paid summer employment in career-specific fields up to 30 hours a week. 

The program’s goal is to serve youth and young adults between the ages of 16-24 and link them to community-based educational, workforce preparation and personal development services.

Summer Youth Employment Ceremony

Lamaria Brown
Escambia Countuy Logo

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