What is the Escambia County Surface Water Quality Public Data Portal?
Which water quality parameters are currently available?
Parameters currently available for viewing include fecal indicator bacteria (Enterococci and E. coli) and field parameters (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, dissolved oxygen saturation, specific conductance, salinity, and turbidity).
What is the date range of the available data?
Data availability varies by station. Many stations have data starting in 2016.
How often will data be updated?
Data will be updated monthly. New data will be posted around the middle of each month.
How can I find out when new data has been added to the portal?
How can I access the complete county surface water quality dataset?
Should this information be used to determine if water is safe for swimming or fish are safe to eat?
How can I ask questions or provide feedback about the county data portal?
What changes to the county data portal are planned for the future?
- More functionality
- More parameters
- More stations
- Data trends by waterbody
- Monitoring station descriptions and photographs
- Video tutorial