Sea turtles face many threats, but we can all make small changes to help protect nesting and hatchling turtles on our beaches.

Lights Out!  The best thing you can do to help nesting and hatchling sea turtles is keep our beaches dark! Bright lights can prevent females from nesting on our beaches and disorient both adults and hatchlings on the beach. Don't use cell phones or flashlights when on the beach after dark and turn off beach-facing lights when not is use. 

People using white lights on the beach at night
The white light created by cellphones and generic flashlights use can disturb sea turtles and prevent them from nesting. Use a red flashlight or no light at all when visiting our beaches after dark. 

Leave Only Footprints!  Remove all furniture, toys and canopies from the beach each night. Fill in any holes and flatten sandcastles. Throw trash away in proper receptacles and avoid leaving food on the beach which may attract predators.

Both the Leave No Trace (Pensacola Beach) and Perdido Key Habitat Conservation ordinances prohibit furniture and other obstructions from being left on beach starting one hour after sunset to one hour after sunrise. Santa Rosa Island Authority staff, county staff, or condo managers/associations may remove items if left unattended. Please check with your property manager or community leader for more information regarding your area.

Report a Leave No Trace Behind Issue

Don’t Cut the Line! If you accidentally hook a turtle while fishing, don’t cut the line! Safely bring the turtle to shore and call Marine Resources at 850- 426-1257 for assistance. If hooked while on the Pensacola Beach Fishing Pier, contact the Pier Manager immediately.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Marine debris is problem for all marine life, not just turtles. Invest is sustainable products that reduce the need for one-time disposable products; reusable bags, straws and water bottles are easy and cost-effective ways to reduce your plastic consumption.

Share the Beach: Furniture Brochure

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