When disaster strikes, you may have only a short time to make what might be a life or death decision. We cannot predict exactly where or when they will occur, but we can take precautions to minimize the danger. Knowing that a disaster has happened and what steps to take to keep you and your family safe is critical. Most injuries and deaths happen when people are unaware or uninformed. Escambia County utilizes a variety of measures to provide warnings to our citizens.
Alert Escambia
The Alert Escambia emergency notification system provides updates during local emergencies and disasters to participating Escambia County residents via text message, email or phone call. This free service can provide lifesaving information in times of emergency, distributed by the Escambia County Division of Emergency Management.
Click the Alert Escambia icon on the right to sign up. You'll be able to select your preferred method of communication when signing up for the alerts.
For technical support, email alertescambia@myescambia.com and you will receive a response within two business days.
MyEscambia.com Emergency Updates
In the event of an emergency, Escambia County's website will be updated regularly with the latest information on the emergency including event status, what you can do to keep safe, and any disaster services available.

To sign up for Escambia County email alerts, click on the green "Subscribe" button on
myescambia.com and select "Emergency Updates" or your desired subscription categories.
Escambia County Storm Center
The Escambia County Storm Center will have the latest information about storms and other potential disasters, including updates about shelters, evacuations, storm trackers and more.
Wireless Emergency Alerts
When extreme weather or other disasters threaten your area, Wireless Emergency Alerts will send up-to-date, lifesaving information directly to your cell phone. The messages are sent through mobile carriers

without the need to download an app or subscribe to a service. The alerts provide timely instruction during times of emergency, including extreme weather such as tornadoes or hurricanes. WEAs are offered for free by wireless carriers and will not count toward text limits on your wireless plan.
For more information about Wireless Emergency Alerts,
click here.