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Establishment and Duties

The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee was established through joint adoption of Escambia County Resolution R2008-120, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 19, 2008, and the Pensacola City Council Resolution 14-08, adopted by the Pensacola City Council on June 19, 2008, both effective July 1, 2008. The BCC re-established the committee on Aug. 20, 2015 through adoption of Resolution R2015-107.

The committee was most recently re-established by the BCC on Aug. 16, 2018 by adoption of Resolution R2018-88 and through action of the PCC on June 14, 2018 and Sept. 13, 2018. Resolution 2018-88 also reduced the minimum required number of members from eleven to eight in accordance with modifications to Florida statute.

Eligibility Criteria and Composition

Escambia County and the City of Pensacola jointly participate in the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program under an interlocal agreement, and formation of the AHAC is mandatory under Section 420.9076, F.S. The SHIP Interlocal provides for the City of Pensacola to solicit and appoint a representative from the City of Pensacola Planning Board and a citizen that resides in the City of Pensacola. All other appointees will be solicited through the County. All appointments will be jointly approved by the BCC and PCC.

The AHAC shall consist of a minimum of eight members but not more than 11 members who shall be appointed by the BCC and PCC. The AHAC must have one representative from at least six of the following areas: (1) Residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing; (2) Banking or mortgage banking industry in connection with affordable housing; (3) Labor in home building in connection with affordable housing; (4) Advocacy for low income persons in connection with affordable housing; (5) For-profit provider of affordable housing; (6) Not-for-profit provider of affordable housing; (7) Real estate professional in connection with affordable housing; (8) Planning Board Member (County or City representative); (9) One citizen who resides within the jurisdiction; (10) One citizen who represents employers within the jurisdiction; and (11) One citizen who represents essential services personnel as defined in the SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan. Per state rule, local housing and planning staff are required to provide administrative support for the AHAC.

Meeting Schedule and Frequency

The Board shall meet at least quarterly, in accordance with the requirements of Florida’s Government in the Sunshine Law, to make recommendations concerning monetary and non-monetary initiatives and incentives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing. This process must be completed every three years with Recommendations presented to the BCC and PCC before the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Local Housing Assistance Plan is due.


Members of the AHAC shall serve terms of three years. A vacancy on the board shall be filled by joint appointment by the BCC and PCC for any unexpired term. Members whose terms have expired may be reappointed to additional terms at the discretion of the BCC and PCC.  An AHAC member may be removed from office for any reason by majority vote of the BCC and PCC.

Vacancies existing on the AHAC shall be filled for the balance of the vacated term by the appointment in the same manner as the original appointment by the BCC and the PCC. The chairman and vice chairman of the board shall be elected annually by majority vote of the AHAC members voting at the October meeting.  Members of the AHAC shall serve without compensation.

Learn more about the AHAC here.


Residential Home Building Industry In Connection with Affordable Housing

  • Laura Gilmore, Fairway Independent Mortgage
    • Term of Office: 10/01/18 – 12/31/2028

Banking or Mortgage Banking Industry In Connection with Affordable Housing

  • Ed Brown
    • Term of Office: 03/06/2025 – 12/31/2028

Labor in Home Building In Connection with Affordable Housing

  • Open

Advocacy For Low Income Persons In Connection with Affordable Housing

  • Lauren Green
    • Term of Office: 8/16/2023-12/31/2024

For-Profit Provider of Affordable Housing

  • Robert Strickland
    • Term of Office: 03/06/2025 – 12/31/2028

Not-For-Profit Provider of Affordable Housing

  • Crystal Scott, NeighborWorks America      
    • Term of Office: 1/6/2022 – 12/31/2024 

Real Estate Professional In Connection with Affordable Housing

  • Deborah Mays
    • Term of Office: 01/07/2022 – 12/31/2028

Planning Board

  • Paul D. Ritz, Dag Architects
    • Term of Office: 1/6/2022 - 12/31/2024

Citizens(s) Who Reside Within the Jurisdiction(s)

  • Brenton Goodman
    • Term of Office: 1/6/2022 - 12/31/2024

One Citizen Who Represents Employers

  • George Ed Brown, Jr., AnnieMac          
    • Term of Office: 1/6/2022 - 12/31/2024

One Citizen Who Represents Essential Services Personnel as Defined in the SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan

  • Maya Moss
    • Term of Office: 1/6/2022 - 12/31/2028

Local Elected Officials:

  • Commissioner Lumon May, Escambia County
    • Term of Office: 8/20/23 - 8/19/26
  • Councilman Delarian Wiggins, City of Pensacola
    • Term of Office: 8/20/23 - 8/19/26


  • Garett Griffin, Neighborhood Enterprise Division Manager, Neighborhood and Human Services Department
  • Marcie Whitaker, Housing Administrator, City of Pensacola Housing Office
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