- The Misdemeanor Probation Program provides continuous supervision for defendants to ensure successful completion of court-ordered conditions.
- The probation officers works closely with the judiciary, State’s Attorney’s Office, attorneys, law enforcement, public defender’s office and other local, state and federal criminal justice agencies.
- A defendant may be placed on a GPS or Secured Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor as a condition of probation and/or bond.
- If the probationer fails to comply with the conditions of their probation, a violation of probation affidavit is filed.
- Cost of Supervision Fee: $55 per month
- Testing Fees: $15 for Breath/Alcohol, $25 for Urinalysis
- Electronic Monitoring Fees:
- Global Positioning System
- $305 Initial Payment
- Weekly fees: $84 Passive*, $105 Active **
- Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor
- $305 Initial Payment
- Weekly fee: $105
Money orders, Visa or MasterCard credit cards are accepted for all fees from 8:00 am through 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.
*Passive monitoring includes daily downloads of activity.
**Active monitoring includes real-time alerts. Notifications are also available via pager or cell phone for the victim of the crime.
- The defendant is sentenced to probation and is instructed to report to the Intake Office, located on the first floor of the M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, Room #14002.
- The defendant will report to his or her assigned probation officer for instructions.
- Defendants report to their probation officer within the first five working days of each month, unless otherwise instructed by the court or their probation officer.
- Completion of all court-ordered conditions will result in successful program completion. Failure to comply will result in a violation of probation affidavit submission to the court.