For all of the remaining structures, mitigation of the property is encouraged. There are various Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs each year that you might want to consider.
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program:
- Property acquisition and demolition or relocation
- Property elevation
- Localized minor flood reduction projects
- Stormwater management
- Infrastructure protection measures
- Vegetative management/soil stabilization
- Retrofitting existing buildings and facilities (wind/earthquake)
Safe room construction
Flood Mitigation Assistance Program:
- Property acquisition and demolition or relocation
- Property elevation
- Localized minor flood reduction projects
- Dry floodproofing of residential property
- The residential structure must meet the definition of “Historic Structure” in 44 CFR § 59.1.1
- Dry floodproofing of non-residential structures
Stormwater management
Repetitive Flood Claims Program:
Severe Repetitive Loss Program:
- Property acquisition and demolition or relocation
- Property elevation
- Mitigation reconstruction
- The SRL Program allows mitigation reconstruction projects located outside the regulatory floodway or Zone V as identified on the effective Flood Insurance Rate Map, or the mapped limit of the 1.5-foot breaking wave zone. Mitigation reconstruction is only permitted if traditional elevation cannot be implemented.
- Localized minor flood reduction projects
- Dry floodproofing of residential property
Please visit the links for more information and guidance