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Carpenter Creek & Bayou Texar Watershed Management Plan


Carpenter Creek & Bayou Texar Watershed Management Plan

In September 2019, Escambia County (County) began developing a comprehensive watershed management plan (WMP) for the Carpenter Creek and Bayou Texar watersheds to address legacy impairments, develop best management practices (BMPs), and identify future site-specific projects and activities through stakeholder engagement and best available science. The team included WSP E&I, SCAPE Landscape Architecture, Impact Campaigns, and Wetland Sciences, Inc.. Funding for the development of the WMP was secured through the Escambia County Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act (RESTORE Act) Direct Component allocation (Pot 1).

The watershed management plan examines the environmental health of the overall watershed, including water quality, pollution sources, flooding, habitat, and resiliency. The watershed plan also identifies ways for surrounding communities to support a healthier watershed environment, ways to keep the water clean, and how citizens can interact with, and in some cases, enjoy the water. 

This watershed management plan development included active participation from citizens, stakeholders, property owners, and government agencies. Working together, these groups built an effective plan to protect the watershed for generations to come.

The WMP identified existing challenges and provides a roadmap to:

  • Manage water quantity and improve water quality for a safer and healthier environment.
  • Protect, enhance, and restore fish and wildlife habitats for a more vital ecosystem.
  • Expand public access and recreational opportunities for learning and fun!
  • Build more equitable and resilient communities in the face of a changing climate.
  • Connect residents to their watershed and waterways for stewardship and conservation.


In December of 2022, the Watershed Management Plan was finalized. Explore the links under the “downloads” heading on this web page to review the final plan, along with many documents cataloguing the planning process. Links under the “recent news” heading will take you through key coverage recording the WMP’s story to date, including updates on ongoing efforts to enact the plan’s recommendations. You can learn more about the watershed through the project’s Creek Geek series, under the “project videos” heading.

Realizing the goals of the plan will require active participation across the watershed. YOU can support the Watershed Management Plan by sharing it with your network, showing up to future engagement events for projects that build on the plan and advocating for these projects, and thinking about the health of the watershed when you make decisions about how you live, work, and play.

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District 3 , District 4
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