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Public Works Sign Shop Staff


The Public Works Department maintains the county’s network of roads and stormwater drainage systems including right of way mowing, street sweeping, holding pond mowing and maintenance, sidewalk maintenance, dirt road grading, tree trimming and removal, pot hole patching, ditch cleaning, sign maintenance, and repair/construction of drainage infrastructure. Additionally, this division responds to natural disaster events, prepares dirt roads for paving, resurfaces older rural roads and supports community initiatives such Clean Sweeps. In fiscal year 2015/2016, Pensacola Beach Public Works was welcomed under Escambia County.

Click the "Submit a Work Request Button" found in the top right hand corner to report non-emergency requests for maintenance or repairs. You may also contact the Escambia County Public Works Department directly Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 850-494-5860. 

If a road hazard is an immediate threat to public safety, please call 911.

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Marcus Pointe
Image taken on Jun 9, 2016, 14:00 by User Not Found

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The mission of Escambia County government is to provide efficient, responsive services that enhance our quality of life, meet common needs and promote a safe and healthy community.

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