County Youth Employment Staffer with HR Jazmin

Mission Statement


The mission of the Escambia County Department of Neighborhood & Human Services is to enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Escambia County. The department achieves this is through a variety of community-based programs and initiatives that provide efficient and effective services that improve the quality of life and meet the common needs of the citizens of Escambia County, while promoting a safe community.

FY 2016-2017 Accomplishments

  • Summer Youth Employment Program
    This cycle, 30 area youths had the opportunity to participate in the county’s first Summer Youth Employment Program to promote career development for those between the ages of 16-20. The program provided upfront job readiness training workshops, eight weeks of on-the-job training at a designated work site, post-employment debriefing and evaluation, which culminated with an award ceremony for program completion. The participants were placed in a variety of jobs in county departments including Public Safety, Library Services, Corrections, Information Technology, Risk Management, Neighborhood & Human Services, Animal Services, Parks & Recreations, Facilities Management, Building Services, Purchasing, Natural Resources, Growth Management, Human Resources, County Administration and The Tax Collector’s Office. Participants worked up to 20 hours per week and were paid at the state minimum wage rate of $8.10 per hour. 
  • Indigent Burial/Cremation Program
    The program is designed to provide payment of the expenses incurred for the disposition of deceased persons declared unclaimed or indigent (by program standards), or resident or non-resident if the death occurred in Escambia County, Florida.
    • Reviewed 213 requests for assistance through the county’s Indigent Burial/Cremation Program, with 174 requests being approved. Eleven of the requests were for veterans of the armed services. Thirty-nine of the cases were denials or families who chose to opt out of the program. 
  • Job Readiness Training Workshops
    The workshops are designed to assist job seekers with information that will develop and enhance their chances of gaining employment and/or promotion. The training sessions consist of: job application and resume development, interviewing techniques, dress for success instruction, time management tutorials, how to find the right job for you, customer service skills in the workplace, getting along with others in the workplace, social media effects on the workplace, instructions for keeping a job and more. These workshops are free to the public. 
  • Low Income Direct Emergency Assistance Program 
    The Low Income Direct Emergency Assistance Program is a county program that provides help for those who qualify for emergency utility bill payment assistance, mortgage/rental payments, food or payment for prescribed medication. This program will be considered a last resort after all means of acquiring assistance have failed. This program is administered via a grant through the Escarosa Coalition on the Homeless.
    • 145 households qualified for assistance and were approved for the requested emergency assistance.
Youth Employment Graduation


Households received emergency assistance


Participated in the youth summer employment program 


Requests responded to for the Indigent Burial/Cremation Program