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ECAT Bus at NAS Pensacola

Escambia County Area Transit Authority

Escambia County Area Transit Authority provides citizens with safe, convenient and affordable transportation at more than 1,076 bus stops covering 285 miles of routes. The ECAT system currently provides fixed-route bus service, as well as the seasonal Pensacola Beach trolley and University of West Florida on-campus trolley.

Escambia County also has an amenities program that involves placement of amenities and associated advertisement on those amenities. The effort consists of the installation of concrete pads for new and /or relocated bus benches and shelters. These concrete pads will be built to meet local wind load design criteria and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This effort will further include the installation of 5-foot-wide sidewalks for accessibility as needed.

If you want to get your business noticed or increase your brand recognition, ECAT can help. In today’s competitive environment, it is not easy to create customer awareness through traditional advertising (radio, TV, billboards). To get recognized and stay at the top of your clients mind, you have to think outside the box. Expand your advertising without increasing your budget and impact the Escambia County area while stimulating immediate recognition of who you are with ECAT's exterior bus advertising. Another means of advertising, giving the ECAT passengers the opportunity of reading your message and remembering your company, is with interior advertising. Interior bus advertising is a great opportunity to promote your department or office’s products, events and services. With 31 buses and numerous amenities on 20 fixed routes, the ads can reach 5,000 ECAT passengers a day. ECAT riders include a diverse population, including parents, students, seniors, business commuters and more. Finally, there is the use of advertising on the bus benches and shelters, which have a unique opportunity to advertise within the right of way, up close and personal with traffic and ridership.

Escambia County Community Transportation

Paratransit Services is a specialized, door-to-door transport service for people with disabilities who are not able to ride fixed-route public transportation. The ECCT is responsible for coordinating and/or providing transportation services to individuals who are transportation disadvantaged. You are considered "transportation disadvantaged" if, because of age, income or a disability, you cannot drive and do not have access to other transportation options.

The Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board focuses on the needs of Escambia County’s transportation disadvantaged population, specifically older adults, persons with disabilities, persons of low income and children at risk. The primary responsibilities of the LCB are to plan for and evaluate the paratransit service provided by the local Community Transportation Coordinator for Escambia County. The LCB meets on a quarterly basis and reviews price and service levels, safety concerns, eligibility and other pertinent issues. This is a shared-ride service which, depending on location, may be provided using the fixed route transit or paratransit (door-to-door) service. Advance reservations are required in order to ensure routes are developed in a cost-efficient manner. A small fare from the rider may be required. To find out if you are eligible, contact your CTC at 850-595-0501.

Photo Gallery

ECAT Shelter at Saufley and Blue Angel
Image taken on Jun 9, 2016, 17:30 by User Not Found

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