with District 2 Commissioner Doug Underhill
February 2017 Newsletter
Perdido Kids Park Reopens After Renovations
I would like to extend a huge thank you to the many volunteers who worked on renovations at Perdido Kids Park over the past few weeks. This park is a great asset to the Perdido community, and I am excited about the improvements that have been made there. Park renovations included safety upgrades, aesthetic enhancements such as fresh paint and artwork, general repairs and new equipment. Volunteers and county staff installed two new swing sets, replaced and repaired wooden structures with long-lasting composite materials, repaired water misters for summer use and replaced handrails throughout the park. Volunteers also freshened up paint while retaining the park's naval and aquatic themes, including repairing and painting the Blue Angels riders and aquatic and Blue Angels-themed climbing walls. We could not have completed this project without volunteers from the Sweet Bay Garden Club, the Grumpy Old Men of Perdido Bay United Methodist Church, Kiwanis Club and Navy volunteers from the Information Warfare Training Command at Corry Station. I am hopeful that the Perdido Kids Park will be enjoyed by families for years to come.

Lighting Project Coming Before Commission
A street lighting project to improve the safety in and around Corry Station will come before the Escambia County Commission in March. After a request from Navy personnel, a lighting survey was completed and a proposal to install 51 LED streetlights in the neighborhoods bordering Old Corry Field Road, Chief’s Way and the connector streets off Flynn Road will be discussed at the March 2 Regular Meeting. If approved, the project will cost $4,702 annually and will be funded utilizing Community Redevelopment Agency Warrington Tax Increment funds.
The Warrington Redevelopment District was Escambia County’s first designated redevelopment district under the state of Florida’s Community Redevelopment Act of 1969. The Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency, or CRA, works to revitalize and enhance the quality of life within the CRA areas by encouraging private sector reinvestment, promoting economic development and providing public sector enhancements. The CRA administers plans for nine designated redevelopment districts including Atwood, Barrancas, Brownsville, Cantonment, Englewood, Ensley, Palafox, Oakfield and Warrington. Operations and services provided by the Community Redevelopment Agency are funded by TIF.

February Myrtle Grove Cleanups Collect more than
100 Tons of Debris
Through two county neighborhood cleanups in Myrtle Grove in February, more than 103 tons (209,260 pounds) of debris were collected and disposed of free of charge for residents. The Myrtle Grove Northeast Neighborhood Cleanup took place Feb. 1, and the Myrtle Grove Northwest Neighborhood Cleanup took place Feb. 15. It is amazing to see the difference these cleanups make in our neighborhoods, and I was pleased to see great participation from Myrtle Grove residents. The neighborhood cleanup initiative is an ongoing effort by the county to keep local neighborhoods clean and safe, targeting different neighborhoods throughout the county. The cleanups allow residents to leave items such as furniture, household hazardous waste, electronics and more at the curb to be disposed of by the county and partnering agencies. For more information about upcoming cleanups, contact Safe Neighborhood Coordinator Nick Jordan at 850-595-1829 or

ECFR Canvases Install More than 125 Smoke Detectors
In December and February, Escambia County Fire Rescue installed 126 smoke detectors free of charge while canvassing the Lakewood area in District 2. I am proud that Escambia County is able to provide this service to our residents, since smoke detectors that are properly installed and maintained play a vital role in reducing fire deaths and injuries. The December smoke detector canvas set a record for the largest number ever installed by county fire crews in one day, with 100 smoke detectors installed in 71 homes. The BCC and Escambia County Fire Rescue are continuing to work toward our goal of having a working smoke detector in every home in the county. For information about obtaining a home smoke detector, call 850-595-HERO (4376). Residents within city of Pensacola limits may call 850-436-5200 for smoke detector installation assistance.
March Veterans Event
The Greater Pensacola Veterans & Families Symposium & Expo
Saturday, March 25
8 a.m. doors open, event 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
UWF Conference Center
Bldg. 22, 11000 University Parkway
Presentations on the latest information pertaining to VA benefits, business ownership for veterans, new educational opportunities, family life info, quality of life updates and more! Keynote speakers, both seasoned veterans and Gulf War era, veterans will share their challenges and triumphs, stories ALL veterans can relate. For more information, visit
Upcoming Meetings & Events
BCC Agenda Review, Public Forum & Regular Meeting
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Thursday, March 2
9 a.m., 4:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Small, Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Workshop
Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place
Friday, March 3
8 a.m.
Board of County Commissioners/School Board Joint Meeting
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Tuesday, March 7
5:30 p.m.
Committee of the Whole
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Thursday, March 9
9 a.m.
Board of County Commissioners/ECUA Board Joint Meeting
9255 Sturdevant Street, Pensacola
Monday, March 13
5:30 p.m.
BCC Agenda Review, Public Forum & Regular Meeting
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Thursday, March 16
9 a.m., 4:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Myrtle Grove Revitalization Group
Myrtle Grove United Methodist Church
1030 57th Ave.
Tuesday, March 28
6 p.m.
Committee of the Whole
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Friday, March 31
9 a.m.