with District 2 Commissioner Doug Underhill
August 2017 Newsletter
Brownsville Grants Available for Businesses, Residents
Escambia County's Community Redevelopment Agency has multiple grants available for Brownsville businesses that can assist property owners with landscaping, sanitary sewer connections, roof replacement and more. Three types of grant programs are being funded by Tax Increment Finance and Community Development Block Grants and are available to Brownsville residents and/or businesses:
The commercial facade, landscape and infrastructure grant program provides a 50 percent matching reimbursement grant with a value of up to $10,000. The commercial sign grant program provides a 50 percent matching reimbursement grant up to $2,000.
The residential rehab grant program can be utilized to help Brownsville residents by assisting with roof replacement, windows, electrical rewiring, storm shutter installation and more. Approved applicants will be reimbursed 50 percent of up to $6,000 for approved improvements along with the submittal of required documentation for the grant program.
For more information concerning eligibility and instructions on how to apply, contact the Community Redevelopment Agency at 850-595-3217.
Tentative Millage Rate Set
On July 27, the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners approved the tentative millage rate for fiscal year 2017-2018. The commissioners agreed not to raise taxes, but to keep the rates the same as the current fiscal year despite significant budget challenges. This includes a millage rate of 6.6165, along with a Law Enforcement/Sheriff’s MSTU of .685 and a Library MSTU of .359. To see how the proposed budget is currently allocated, see our 2018 Citizen's Guide to the Proposed Budget.
The board also voted to approve setting the two required public budget hearings where the tax rates and budgets will be finalized for fiscal year 2017-2018. The meetings will be Tuesday, Sept. 12 and Tuesday, Sept. 26, both at 5:31 p.m. in the board chambers located at 221 Palafox Place.
Myrtle Grove Cleanup Scheduled for Sept. 20
Residents in the Myrtle Grove area will have the opportunity to dispose of yard debris and other items free of charge Wednesday, Sept. 20, during the Myrtle Grove Southeast Neighborhood Cleanup. Only residents in the designated cleanup area are able to participate in the neighborhood cleanup. Items left at the curb outside of the cleanup area will not be collected. The general cleanup area is south of West Jackson Street, west of South 60th and 61st avenues and east of North New Warrington Road.
The cleanup allows residents to leave items at the curb to be disposed of by Escambia County and partnering agencies, as part of the county's ongoing effort to help keep local neighborhoods and communities clean and safe.
All debris must be at the curb directly in front of your residence by 7 a.m. on the scheduled day of cleanup. Please keep tires and paint cans separate from all other debris. Do not place piles under low-hanging lines or near poles, fences or mailboxes.
Items eligible for removal include:
- Household appliances and electronics
- Yard waste
- Household junk and debris
- Bicycles and toys
- Old furniture and mattresses
- Barbecue grills
- Household hazardous waste (old paint, motor oil, chemicals, batteries)
- Tires (limit 20 per household)
Items NOT eligible for removal include:
- Building materials (concrete, bricks, blocks, roofing, drywall or more than one cubic yard of lumber)
- Explosives or ammunition
- Auto parts
- Dirt or sod
- Vehicles or vessels
- 55-gallon drums of fluids
The neighborhood cleanup initiative involves an aggressive clean-up effort targeting different neighborhoods throughout the county, with crew members and volunteers picking up a variety of debris and waste, including electronics, furniture and household items.
The county's neighborhood cleanup program is hosted by the Community Redevelopment Agency, Escambia County Safe Neighborhoods Program and Waste Services. Local partners include Escambia County Environmental Code Enforcement, Public Works, Animal Control and Road Prison; the City of Pensacola Sanitation Department and Keep Pensacola Beautiful.
If you have any questions or would like to verify that your residence is in the cleanup area, please contact Nick Jordan, Safe Neighborhood Coordinator, Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency, at 850-595-1829 or

Pensacola Remote Area Clinic Seeks Volunteers
Pensacola Remote Area Clinic is asking for volunteers to help staff a free dental, vision and medical care clinic for isolated, impoverished or under-served residents in Escambia County. The clinic will provide free medical services to members of the community during a two-day clinic, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 2-3, at Pensacola High School located at 500 W. Maxwell St.
Along with general, non-medical volunteers, volunteers with the following Florida Provider Licenses are needed:
- Dentists, oral surgeons, dental hygienists, dental assistants and dental technicians
- Ophthalmologists, ophthalmic technicians, optometrists, opticians and optical lab technicians
- Medical doctors, nurse practitioners, registered nurses and paramedics/EMTs
Interested volunteers must register online at
Services offered will include vision (free vision exams and glasses), dental (cleaning, cavities and removal) and general medical care (annual exams for men, women and children), as well as education and access to free or reduced-price follow-up care. Additionally, Walgreens will provide 2,000 flu shots, the Florida Health Department in Escambia County will provide HIV and syphilis testing, and Pensacola State College will offer haircuts and barber services.
The goal is to serve 2,000 patients with over 600 volunteers and anticipate a community healthcare benefit of at least $500,000. For more information about this event, contact RAM Clinics Organizer JoAnn Vanfleteren at 850-346-1978, or find the Pensacola clinic on Facebook @PensacolaRAMClinic.

Ask MyEscambia
Need help? Have a question? The Ask MyEscambia mobile and desktop application is available and ready to connect you directly with county services. The app can be used to report road issues, stormwater maintenance, code enforcement complaints, Pensacola Beach issues, stray dogs and much more to the appropriate department.
Escambia County wants its citizens to be more connected and involved with their local government, making Ask MyEscambia the perfect opportunity to enact change. The app is available for mobile use on iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry. For desktop use, simply go to
For more information on how to use the mobile or desktop application, click here.

Upcoming Meetings & Events
Science Hour - Restoring Scallops
Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place
Thursday, Aug. 17
6 p.m.
FDOT Corridor Alternatives Meeting for Navy Boulevard PD&E Study - New Date
Lexington Terrace Community Center
700 S. Old Corry Field Road
Tuesday, Sept. 5
5:30 p.m.
Agenda Review, Public Forum & Regular Meeting
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Thursday, Sept. 7
9 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
First Budget Public Hearing
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Tuesday, Sept. 12
5:31 p.m.
Committee of the Whole
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Thursday, Sept. 14
9 a.m.
Escambia Cares Community Resource Expo
Brownsville Community Center
3200 West DeSoto Street
Saturday, Sept. 16
11 a.m.
Agenda Review, Public Forum & Regular Meeting
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Thursday, Sept. 21
9 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Science Hour - Local Water Quality Issues
Escambia County Central Office Complex
3363 West Park Place
Thursday, Sept. 21
6 p.m.
Second Budget Public Hearing
Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building
221 Palafox Place
Tuesday, Sept. 26
5:31 p.m.