Escambia County is pleased to announce that it will now use
CivicClerk for its agenda and meeting minutes management, board and citizen portal, and electronic voting.
"We are excited to introduce this new platform for meeting information to residents," said Escambia County Administrator Janice Gilley. "The integration into our website is virtually seamless for the user. This system allows the county to streamline our agenda management process online and provides subscribers alerts when items are updated. Additionally, during this time of COVID-19, CivicClerk allows for board members to participate virtually and vote electronically on-site and remotely if needed. The goal is to provide better access for our residents."
The board approved the selection of CivicClerk to replace the AgendaQuick agenda software program on July 2, 2020. Benefits include:
- Projection of the countdown clock to the audience for timed segments;
- A cost savings of approximately $3,000 in year one and $16,000 annually in subsequent years;
- The option for electronic voting whether board members are on-site or attending remotely; and
- The virtual option for some or all board members and staff to meet CDC COVID-19 guidelines for social distancing.
To view meeting agendas, please visit and select either meeting agendas or the meeting in the upcoming events calendar. When a user selects "online agenda," they will be automatically directed to the CivicClerk platform. Please note the green arrow is to show users on this sample where to download the complete packet.

To subscribe to agenda alerts, from, select "Subscribe" that is currently found on the left side of the website in a green box.
Follow these instructions to subscribe to agenda alerts. Mobile devices will see this view of CivicClerk.
CivicClerk will be used for the first time during the Dec. 10, 2020 board meeting.