District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry

Plan Learn Grow Summer End Ceremony

International Paper Explosion Town Hall

Steven Barry, District 5

Commissioner Steven Barry was first elected to represent Escambia County’s District 5 in 2012 and was appointed chairman of the commission in 2014. Barry has served on the Escambia County Planning & Zoning Board, Escambia County Citizens Environmental Committee and has chaired the Escambia County Fire Services Citizens Advisory Committee.

He has been active with local community groups, including the Escambia County Public Schools Foundation, Rotary Club of Cantonment, Pace Center for Girls and Covenant House Leadership Council.

District 5 Commissioner's Aide: Dawn Troche

District 5 May 16 Town Hall

On May 9, 2017 the first Century resident moves into SHIP tornado recovery housing

Escambia Community Clinics opened several new clinics in District 5: Century Pediatric Dental and Medical, Cantonment Pediatric Dental and Medical, and Century Adult Primary Care

Demolition began for the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant project in the Bristol Park-Bristol Creek-Ashbury Hills Flood Plain, marking the first step in implementing a much larger, long-term solution to mitigate flooding and improve stream and wetland flood plain habitat along 11 Mile Creek