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Stacey Road Drainage Project Detour to Begin March 25

Published Mar 21, 2025

Stacey Road between West Quintette and Coweta roads will be closed to through traffic starting Tuesday, March 25 while crews install a storm drain system and perform road improvements.

Traffic will be detoured along Highway 95A and Coweta Road. Motorists should use extra caution and follow posted signs when traveling along the detour. The road is expected to reopen by Tuesday, July 1.

Residents, pedestrians, local traffic and emergency vehicles will have access to properties within the work area at all times; however, there may be short periods when a driveway or entrance may be blocked temporarily as equipment and materials are moved during construction.

If other roadway closures are necessary or work is delayed, another notice will be issued.

Stacey Road Detour Map

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