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Escambia County Office Closures, Weather Update

Published Jan 23, 2025

Escambia County offices will remain closed Friday, Jan. 24 due to potentially hazardous road conditions from Tuesday's winter snowstorm. Although county offices are closed, essential personnel are continuing to work to maintain services including Animal Welfare, Corrections, Public Safety, Public Works, and Waste Services.

Offices closed include:

  • Escambia County Board of County Commissioners - all departments
  • County Administration offices
  • West Florida Public Libraries - all locations
  • Escambia County Tax Collector - all offices
  • Escambia County Property Appraiser's Office - both locations
  • Waste Services Administration
  • Escambia County Extension Services
  • Escambia County Clerk of the Court and Comptroller
  • Escambia County Department of Animal Welfare

Supervisor of Elections:

Escambia County Clerk of the Court and Comptroller:

  • The Clerk's offices located in the M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, Bruno Juvenile Justice Building and the Clerk’s Public Records Center will be open Jan. 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Clerk's Finance Departments, Official Records, and Century Office are closed Jan. 24.

Escambia County Area Transit:

  • ECAT administration will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 24. ECAT buses and the UWF trolleys will not run Jan. 24. Normal bus service will resume Saturday, Jan. 25.
  • Escambia County Community Transportation will be available Jan. 24 for dialysis and life-sustaining services.

Perdido Landfill:

  • The Perdido Landfill and transfer station will resume normal operations Jan. 24 at 7 a.m.

All Escambia County meetings scheduled for Jan. 24 have been canceled.

Escambia County Weather Update

Escambia County is forecasted to have below-freezing temperatures Thursday evening, Jan. 23. With snow and ice melting and refreezing overnight, many roads and bridges in Escambia County remain unsafe for driving due to black ice. Very slick and icy road conditions can be expected. Black ice is nearly impossible to see, so the best way to stay safe is to stay off the road.

Unless travel is necessary, it is advised to stay off the roads until conditions improve.

Road Closure Updates from FDOT (subject to change - visit for the latest information):

  • Interstate 10: Effective 3 p.m. Jan. 23, FDOT has reopened I-10 from the Alabama/Florida state line to mile marker 70 (SR-285) in both directions.
  • For real-time closure updates from the Florida Department of Transportation, visit

Additional County Updates:

  • Public Safety is continuing to operate and respond to emergency calls. Read more here.
  • The Escambia County Emergency Operations Center has been staffed 24/7 since Monday, Jan. 20 and remained active throughout the event. Emergency services never stopped responding to calls, even during the height of the snowstorm.
  • Escambia County Fire Rescue has responded to several calls for burst pipes due to the cold weather. Residents are reminded to cover pipes and allow outdoor faucets to slowly drip to prevent them from freezing and breaking.
  • County Public Works crews have been working throughout Escambia County to clear snow from roads and bridges to make them accessible for emergency vehicles to respond to calls.

Residents are reminded to practice the five Ps of cold weather safety:

  • Protect People: Remember to dress in layers and wear a hat and gloves. It is important to try to stay out of the wind and to stay dry. Also, remember to check on young children, elderly family members and neighbors who are the most sensitive to cold weather. If the temperature cannot be maintained at home, make temporary arrangements to stay elsewhere, including with friends and family.
  • Protect Pets: If cold weather is in the forecast, be sure to bring outdoor pets inside or give them a warm shelter to stay in.
  • Protect Plants: Cover cold-sensitive plants to protect them from dangerous temperatures.
  • Protect Pipes: Cover pipes and allow outdoor faucets to slowly drip to prevent them from freezing and breaking.
  • Practice Fire Safety: Use safe heating sources indoors. Do not use fuel-burning devices such as grills; they release carbon monoxide, which is a deadly gas. Also, make sure to use space heaters according to their instructions and be attentive to open flames.

For the latest information from the City of Pensacola, click here.

Residents are encouraged to monitor the local media and legitimate online and social media sources like Escambia County Emergency ManagementUS National Weather Service Mobile, and Florida SERT. More information on what to do before, during and after a storm is available online at

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