In celebration of Florida’s Arbor Day, UF/IFAS Extension and Escambia County will hold tree giveaways from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Jan. 21. In partnership with West Florida Public Libraries, three concurrent tree giveaways will take place at the Tryon, Bellview and Molino libraries. Giveaways are available until supplies last. Visit here for WFPL locations.
Each Escambia County household represented will receive two free native trees, which will be given away first come, first served. Species available include live oak, dahoon holly, mayhaw and Walter’s viburnum. Funding for the tree giveaways is provided by Escambia County Natural Resources Management and International Paper, with volunteer support from Our Corner - formerly Keep Pensacola Beautiful - the Florida Forest Service and Escambia County Master Gardeners.
Escambia County Extension will also host their 7th annual Arbor Day Art Contest. To participate, mail a drawing, painting, photograph or mixed media artwork with the theme “A Walk in the Woods” to: Arbor Day Art Contest c/o Escambia County Extension, 3740 Stefani Road, Cantonment, FL 32533. Please include your name, age and contact information on the back of your artwork. Contest entries must arrive by mail or be dropped off by Tuesday, Jan. 31.
First place winners of the art contest will receive prizes including a tree, shovel, and book. Second place winners will receive a book, and third place winners will receive gardening supplies. Categories include children (12 and under), teen (13-18), and adult (over 18). Winners will be announced on Friday, Feb. 8, and prizes given out by appointment. Natural Resources Management provides support for the art contest.
For more information, contact Carrie Stevenson, Coastal Sustainability Agent with UF IFAS Extension, at 850-475-5230 or, or Jimmie Jarratt, Arborist and Escambia County Natural Resources Program Manager, at